Youth Homelessness Matters Day - 17th of May 2024

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11 Jan 2022
5 min read


It’s a national day that aims to raise awareness and public discussion about child and youth homelessness. It’s a day to start conversations about sustainable and innovative solutions to support the needs of young people experiencing homelessness.

YHMD was conceived in 1990 by a group of social advocates because too many young people were leaving home with nowhere to go and with little social support.

Over the years, YHMD has grown into a national celebration of young people’s resilience and an important day of advocacy. It’s celebrated online and in communities around Australia.

Youth Homelessness Matters Day is organised by Y Foundations. For more information on how you can get involved, visit the Y Foundations website or the Youth Homelessness Matters Day Facebook page.

Who are the Statewide Children’s Resource Program?

We provide homelessness and family violence services with expert advice on Children’s development and ongoing needs, child-centred training and resources to support workers and clients.

By supporting homelessness and family violence practitioners, we aim to let the children they work with be children!

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